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Comtech Receives DoubleTalk Order in Asia-Pacific

Comtech EF Data has received a $1.5 million DoubleTalk Carrier-in-Carrier bandwidth compression order from an unnamed telecommunications service provider in the Asia-Pacific region.

Comtech said the service provider would utilize the technology to facilitate a network expansion and to deliver new services to rural villages and replace its fielded DMD50 universal satellite modems.

Inmarsat Expands Mobile Satellite Business

Inmarsat increased its demand forecast for mobile satellite communications in Malaysia’s shipping industry after the company was contracted by Malaysian shipping firm MISC to install mobile services on its vessels.

Inmarsat will install its XpressLink fully integrated VSAT and FleetBroadband service on all of MISC’s 46 vessels comprising chemical and liquefied natural gas tankers. The operator said the service would enable MISC’s ships to receive unlimited data availability across international oceans.

Romantis Leases SES Capacity Over Asia

SES has signed a capacity agreement with satellite capacity and networking equipment provider Romantis to support growing connectivity needs across Russia and Central Asia.

Romantis will utilize 24 MHz of Ku-band capacity on SES’ NSS-12 satellite at the 57 degrees East orbital slot to deliver a variety of communication services and VSAT hardware packages supporting corporate networks, broadband access, SCADA, GSM backhaul and video services.

Thaicom Integrates iDirect Ground System with IPStar Thaicom has signed a cooperation agreement with iDirect to provide an alternative integrated solution to its IPStar customers.

Thaicom said the solution would be based on the iDirect ground system platform using the Thaicom 4 broadband satellite. Thaicom’s IPStar Open Access Platform aims to allow satellite technology equipment vendors to access the Thaicom 4 broadband satellite as an option for providing solutions.

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