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DCC Uses SkyEdge To Extend Nigerian Network

DCC Satellite & Networks Ltd. is using Gilat Satellite Networks Ltd.’s SkyEdge platform to expand its network in Nigeria, Gilat announced. DCC will use the platform to provide services such as videoconferencing, IP multicasting and Voice Over Internet Protocol to corporations, financial and government institutions, manufacturing plants, and other businesses. Gilat also will provide a redundant hub to ensure business continuity and backup in case of a natural disaster.

GlobeCast Provides Digital Signage To France Telecom/Orange

GlobeCast has equipped 113 of France Telecom/Orange’s sales boutiques with its digital signage system, GlobeCast Captive Audience.
The system will allow France Telecom to remotely aggregate content, create and manage playlists, and broadcast to a network of screens at different agencies to organize targeted advertisements, product bulletins and entertaining clips. GlobeCast Captive Audience is capable of delivering standard- or high-definition content.

Hughes To Offer DSL Coverage Throughout United States

Hughes Network Systems is offering enterprise users throughout the United States broadband coverage through a choice of DSL, satellite or a combination of technologies, the company announced.
Hughes has signed wholesale agreements with New Edge, Covad, AT&T, Verizon and BellSouth to provide service anywhere DSL is available. Hughes has a similar agreement with Radiant to provide service to parts of Canada.
Nationwide DSL availability allows customers to work with Hughes and streamline network management while avoiding provisioning services from multiple vendors.

Iridium System Installed On Tanker Fleet

Avin International is installing Iridium satellite terminals on its fleet of 22 oil and product tankers, the company announced. Navarino Telecom, which provides satellite products and services to the Greek shipping market, is supplying and installing the systems under a service agreement with Stratos. Avin also is installing an Iridium terminal at its office in Athens.

SES New Skies To Provide Internet Trunking To French Polynesia

SES New Skies received a contract from the Office des Postes et Telecommunications of French Polynesia to provide Internet trunking services to the 118 islands constituting French Polynesia, SES New Skies announced. The service will be provided via the NSS-5 satellite at 183° East.

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