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AIAA Backs NASA Fiscal 2008 Budget Request, Seeks Aeronautics Research Funds
The American Institue of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) backed the NASA budget request for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2008, but seeks added funds for aeronautics research.
“AIAA is pleased that during a time of competing funding priorities the President has maintained his commitment to NASA with a $17.3 billion dollars request, representing a 3.1 percent increase over the 2007 request,” said AIAA President Roger Simpson.
“As Congress commences with its own budget deliberations, AIAA would like to express our desire that the level of requested funding be maintained, if not enhanced.
Stimson detailed why AIAA approves of the NASA funding proposal to Congress.
“The President’s [fiscal 2008] budget request will provide relative stability and more predictability for the agency while continuing to orient its activities toward space exploration,” he said.
But the group would prefer added funds in some areas that would mean increasing the total NASA budget.
“AIAA strongly desires additional top line funding for aeronautics research — although not at the expense of other budget items,” he continued. “In an increasingly competitive global industry sector, the United States will have to strive ever harder and commit to stable, robust investments in aeronautics R&D if our nation is to maintain its global leadership position.”
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