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XTAR Begins Commercial Service On XTAR-LANT
XTAR Llc, a joint venture between Loral Space & Communications and Hisdesat, announced April 24 that the second component of its X-band satellite network, XTAR-LANT, has completed in-orbit testing and has entered commercial service. XTAR-LANT joins the XTAR-EUR satellite that entered service in April 2005.
Stationed at 30 degrees West, XTAR-LANT carries eight 100W wide-band X-band transponders in both right- and left-hand circular polarization. This payload enables flexibility and capabilities utilizing legacy X-band equipment. The satellite is a 1300-class model built by Space Systems/Loral and has a specified service life of 15 years.
XTAR-LANT’s coverage area encompasses a region extending from Denver in the United States to the South American and African continents and to the Middle East. Combined with XTAR-EUR’s coverage, XTAR can provide X-band capacity from Denver east to Singapore.
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