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Ed Note: Examining The Candidates
By Nick Mitsis
The editorial staff of Access Intelligence’s Satellite Group was pleasantly surprised in 2004. What was shaping up to be a most challenging year, not only for choosing the Satellite Executive of the Year but also coming up with a formidable short list of nominees, resulted in a substantial meeting with a positive outcome.
Annually, the editors of Via Satellite magazine, Satellite Today and Satellite News gather to analyze the major business achievements that hallmarked the past calendar year and bring to the surface those executives who truly made an impact in their market niche and throughout the global satellite communications industry as a whole.
All parties involved in the decision- making process are very passionate about maintaining the integrity of this award and its nominations, what it stands for and most importantly, what it means for the recipient.
We had many outside solicitations for nomination consideration. To those who took the time to submit their letter outlining their executive for consideration, I thank you. Likewise, each editorial team member came to our selection meeting with his or her own list of nominees.
After much group deliberation and an initial secret ballot vote, the staff of Via Satellite magazine selected its nominees. In some years, the process is quick because a handful of executives tend to stand out and the list constructs itself. Even though this year did not quite mimic that scenario, none of us took anything for granted. We looked beyond those companies who conducted "business as usual" and searched for individuals who managed a company with passion, were financially sound and facilitated a customer-centric business that strengthened the buyer/seller relationship.
Some of our choices may come as a surprise; others may be self-evident. In any case, all final nominees possessed the aforementioned business criteria, went beyond basic corporate practices and produced a strong fiscal year, grew a significant presence in their marketplace and fostered a larger global market share of their products or service offerings.
This year’s nominees led their executive management teams in building a stronger business within the equipment, operations and services sectors. Some of the nominees steered their company into the black with great financial success; others pushed the envelope and took some risks in opening up new application venues. All won accolades for their business practices in 2004 from various organizations and watch groups.
From that list, we chose our Satellite Executive of the Year for 2004. Next month, the winner will grace our cover and will be honored during our luncheon on March 24 in Washington, D.C., at SATELLITE 2005. We look forward to seeing you there.
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