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Telenor Satellite Services and Global Relief Technologies LLC are working together with International Medical Corps (IMC) to provide an integrated support system for immediate collection and dissemination of in-the-field data information around the areas affected by the Dec. 26, 2004 tsunami.

Global Relief Technologies provides an end-to-end solution combining personal digital assistant (PDAs) survey applications for field workers, GIS mapping imagery and near real- time GPS tracking with a Web-based information management center for data hosting. Those PDAs are being sent to IMC health care workers along with mobile satellite terminals from Telenor to aid in the coordination of relief and recovery operations.

Applied Analysis is using its analysis of imagery from Space Imaging Inc.‘s Ikonos satellite to measure the clarity of the water to enable remote identification of potential clean water sites.

Iridium Satellite LLC is donating $500,000 worth of equipment and airtime to the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies.

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