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ViaSat CEO Dankberg Named Satellite Executive Of The Year
Mark Dankberg, the chairman and CEO of Carlsbad, Calif.-based ViaSat [VSAT] will be honored “Satellite Executive of the Year” at the Satellite 2004 international conference and exhibition in early March. The award, given annually by PBI Media sister publication Via Satellite magazine, is voted upon by an editorial advisory committee composed of the editors and publishers of the magazine, Satellite News, Satellite Today and others.
Paul Dykewicz, senior editor and senior analyst of Satellite News, said, “Dankberg personifies an entrepreneurial engineer who tries to anticipate market trends. He often initiates research and development efforts in promising areas that others have yet to recognize. For those reasons, his company has been among the first to provide key new products in a number of market niches.”
Other nominees for this year’s award were Mark Albrecht, president of International Launch Services; Charles Dolan, chairman of Cablevision Systems Corp; Mary Ann Elliott, president and CEO of Arrowhead Global Solutions; and John Kealey, president and CEO of iDirect Technologies.
More in-depth coverage of this story will appear in an upcoming issue of Satellite News. For more information about subscribing to PBI Media’s satellite newsletters, check out our Web site at
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