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Thursday Morning Conversation with Microsoft Azure Global CTO Bill Chappell

By Mark Holmes | December 2, 2020

      This week’s Thursday Morning Conversation features Bill Chappell, CTO of Azure Global and vice president of Mission Systems at Microsoft, one of the global giants of business, but a player that you wouldn’t associate with Via Satellite until recently. We talk about Microsoft’s aspirations to work with the satellite sector — this is really exciting stuff. Chappell says there has been huge interest in Microsoft about working on space-based initiatives, and he talks about how a software company like Microsoft can fit together with space and satellite companies (like Microsoft’s work with SES).

      Aside from satellite, we talk everything from the Detroit punk scene (which was new to me), to TV shows such as “Breaking Bad,” “The Good Place,” and “Stranger Things.” Chappell is also a big Beatles fan, and we find out which Beatles song he has been learning to play on his guitar.

      Via Satellite’s Thursday Morning Conversations are the newest way to learn about the latest news in the satellite industry. From interviews with industry leaders and discussions with newcomers in space and satellite to debates among Via Satellite staff and chats about the latest in sports and pop culture, TMC will be your go-to for a Thursday morning respite. Grab a coffee, sit back, and listen in every Thursday morning at 10:00 a.m. ET for the latest segment. And you can catch up on all of the previous TMCs right here.