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TISICS Wins UK Space Agency Funding for Launch Components

By Mark Holmes | January 5, 2023


Composite manufacturer TISICS has been boosted in its plans to bring more sustainable launch technology to market. It announced Jan. 4 that it has been awarded funding through the UK Space Agency’s (UKSA) Launch UK Technology Investment Program. Project DeLLCom will develop demisable launcher components to reduce the risk of damage to satellites by space debris. Development of lightweight tanks for launchers will create a U.K. on-shore supply chain.

TISICS is looking to develop demisable launcher components that will reduce the risk of damage to spacecraft by space debris, while reducing the processing time and materials waste experienced from current HPV-liner manufacturing. Building spacecraft that demise during re-entry is key to future sustainability. TISICS aims to develop a weld-free, one piece aluminium liner/tank addressing the need for low-cost launcher components, by way of flexible design, reduced process steps and improved materials efficiency.

“Funding new science and technology developments is crucial to growing the U.K. space sector and catalysing further investment into our economy. While we look forward to marking a major milestone in U.K. launch capabilities with the upcoming launch from Spaceport Cornwall, projects such as TISICS’ DellCom, which is developing launcher components that generate less space debris, help ensure we have growing pipeline of new and efficient technologies ready for lift-off to support our long-term ambitions,” Matt Archer, commercial spaceflight director of UKSA, said in a statement.