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Advantech Wireless Releases WideSAT Product for GEO, MEO and LEO HTS

By Caleb Henry | July 18, 2016

      [Via Satellite 07-18-2016] Advantech Wireless is now offering WideSAT, a new High Throughput Satellite (HTS) widebeam technology for Geostationary, Medium and Low Earth Orbits (GEO, MEO and LEO) to increase density, versatility, and efficiency when using wide transponders from 250MHz to 2GHz for data links. WideSAT technology will be incorporated in Advantech Wireless’ A-SAT-2 multi-waveform satellite networking platform as well as future products.

      “Our new WideSAT technology has been designed specifically for better handling of the new HTS GEO/MEO/LEO widebeam transponders that can typically be seven to 15 times larger than the traditional 36MHz GEO transponders. WideSAT is planned to enhance our leading A-SAT-2 multi-waveform satellite networking platform to dramatically improve point-to-multipoint broadband applications,” said Oscar Glottman, Advantech Wireless’ CMO for satellite networks.