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Cubesat rendition by EnduroSat
EnduroSat is teaming up with Vyoma to work on what is being billed as Europe’s first commercial mission for in-situ Space Situational Awareness (SSA). In an announcement of the collaboration published on Wednesday, Vyoma said it would use in-orbit optical telescopes to observe space objects and map the orbital environment at a high frequency, thus providing SSA data and services with near-zero latency. EnduroSat will design and build the ESPA microsatellites which will be deployed in LEO. The spacecraft is also equipped with edge computing capabilities for in-orbit processing of the images in real-time and data reduction.
The first two pilot satellites are to be launched into space from the end of 2024, as part of a 12-satellite constellation. The data generated by the constellation will enhance current SSA capabilities on the global stage and contribute to space safety, empowering satellite owners to make informed operational decisions efficiently.
The two companies believe the mission will contribute to the protection of our planet and of assets in space and on Earth originating from space debris and anomalous behaviors.
“We are honored to be selected for these cutting-edge missions. Vyoma’s goal to make space operations safe and resilient fits perfectly with EnduroSat’s efforts toward streamlined and secure space operations. We are looking forward to delivering this new generation of satellites for the mission and to working on the development of the entire fleet. I would like to congratulate both teams for their exceptional efforts in the last few months and cannot be more enthusiastic about the future,” Raycho Raychev, founder and CEO of EnduroSat, said in a statement.
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