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[Satellite TODAY 07-29-10] TeleCommunication Systems (TCS) received an additional $1 million in funding from the U.S. Army for support equipment and maintenance of secret and non-secure IP router access point VSAT satellite systems, the company announced July 28.
This funding will provide support equipment and maintenance of TCS’ SwiftLink deployable communications products, as previously awarded to TCS through other delivery orders for SNAP equipment. The U.S. Army Project Manager for the Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (PM WIN-T) commercial satellite terminal program is funding these procurements through the Army’s $5 billion World-Wide Satellite Systems contract vehicle.
The TCS SwiftLink VSAT systems used to fulfill the Army program’s requirements aim to provide multimedia communications capabilities which convey encrypted voice, video and data with modularity and plug-and-play interfaces.
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