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Viasat Partners With Azercosmos to Bring L-Band to Azerbaijan 

By Rachel Jewett | May 24, 2024

Viasat and Azercosmos partner to bring L-band to Azerbaijan. Photo: Azercosmos

Viasat is partnering with Azercosmos to bring its L-band satellite services to Azerbaijan. This will be the first time that Viasat-enabled satellite services are offered in Azerbaijan.

Under the proposed arrangement announced May 23, the Azerbaijan state-owned satellite operator, and Viasat will provide connectivity for a range of industrial applications such as tracking and telemetry for transport systems, pipeline monitoring and control for energy companies, real-time control for utilities, and environmental or safety monitoring for mining and agriculture. 

Azercosmos said the collaboration will expand its connectivity offering for existing and new customers.

“The agile response in the satellite service market is critically important for us, and as Azercosmos, we aim to expand our reliable service to consumers and businesses globally. This landmark agreement with our strategic partner, Viasat, will solidify our collaboration in unlocking boundless possibilities in connectivity in EMEA and Asia,” Fuad Aslanov, vice-chairman of Azercosmos said in a news release.