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Axess Networks is helping bringing more connectivity to hard to reach areas in Mexico. The company announced May 4 that it will connect more than 700 new 4G nodes via satellite for CFE Telecomunicaciones “Internet for All” program, a national development plan in Mexico.
The new 4G nodes will be connected throughout 2023. These new nodes are added to the more than 650 nodes that the Shared Network (Red Compartida) and CFE TEIT already connect in the country through Axess.
Axess has a strong position in the satellite cellular backhaul market in Latin America, with more than 1,300 connected nodes and more than 10 Gbps of capacity dedicated to this vertical. In Mexico, Axess also provides service to more than 2,400 internet points within the CFE TEIT program.
This deployment will allow CFE to reach more than one million services by 2025 aimed at boosting the development and digital economy of around 20 million people who are still outside areas where there are traditional broadband services. To do this, CFE offers internet and mobile phone plans with easy access to 4G LTE services and affordable rates, with no fixed terms.
The ‘Internet for All’ program has deployed 67,256 connectivity points, of which 14,181 correspond to satellite technology and include more than 50,000 public institutions and schools. This figure represents a high growth in coverage compared to previous years.
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