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Spacecom Amos loans

David Pollack, president and CEO, Spacecom. Photo: Spacecom

[Via Satellite 11-11-13] Building on the momentum from Amos 5, Spacecom has signed agreements with a consortium of banks and the Amos 6 satellite manufacturer for loans totaling just over $293 million to finance the construction, launch, insurance and financing costs related to the Amos 6 satellite. The consortium is led by Export Development Canada (EDC) which will loan up to $140 million; Export-Import Bank of the United States (Ex-Im) which will loan up to $106 million and Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) with a loan up to $47 million. IAI is responsible for manufacturing and preparing for launch of the satellite whose launch date is scheduled for 2015 to the Amos 4 degrees West ‘hot spot,’ current home to the Amos 2 and Amos 3.

Amos 6 will be larger and more powerful than both the Amos 2 and Amos 3 satellites. The spacecraft will expand territories under current service by adding Western Europe, and multi-beam coverage over parts of Africa to existing Central Europe, Eastern Europe and Middle East coverage areas.


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