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At the “Satellite Broadband Comes of Age: The Ka-Band Equation” panel at SATELLITE 2013, Dankberg hinted at a big order to come for a new satellite, but declined to put an exact timeframe on when the company may procure it. He told the conference that ViaSat hopes to order the satellite “soon” and that the company has been working with a couple of satellite manufacturers regarding the configuration of this satellite.
Dankberg hinted that any new satellite could be a transformative one in the industry, but that having such ambitious plans for ViaSat-2 was one of the main reasons why they had been a delay in placing an order.
“We think the next satellite will be a pretty dramatic improvement [on ViaSat-1]. We hope to order it soon. We want to improve the economics dramatically. Sometimes, things take a long time in the satellite industry. On the consumer side, things have gone as amazingly as anticipated. We are getting half of our customers from terrestrial. We were expecting 20 percent. If we buy a satellite like ViaSat-1, we will not get the economics that we want. The consumer broadband business is an economic engine for what we are doing,” he said..
ViaSat has been gaining subscribers at a strong rate in North America. The company’s Exede residential broadband service has helped ViaSat reach more than 285,000 subscribers on ViaSat-1 in its first year of operation. The total subscriber count across all ViaSat satellites has surpassed 500,000 for the first time.
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