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[Satellite TODAY 11-28-12] NewCom International has launched a satellite-powered distance education network covering 26 schools in the Nudo de Paramillo Region in Northern Colombia built on the iDirect satellite communications platform and backed by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and other public and private sector organizations, iDirect announced Nov. 28.
NewCom said that 4,267 students would gain access to a range of interactive online learning programs through the satellite network – a critical pilot program that the company hopes will represent a model for expanding education throughout Colombia and the rest of the developing world.
NewCom said it selected the iDirect platform based on several key capabilities, including its TDMA system’s ability to share bandwidth across a wide range of applications from interactive video conferencing and video streaming to online learning tools, as well as basic voice and data access.
“When it comes to distance education applications, reliability and ease of deployment are essential,” iDirect Regional Vice President of Sales for the Americas Rob Kilroy said in a statement. “With its Evolution network, NewCom can ensure that schools in even the most remote parts of Colombia can access critical connectivity. This project perfectly demonstrates how satellite and other modern technologies can power social change by bringing the world closer together.”
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