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[Satellite TODAY 06-26-12] Hughes Network Systems has enhanced its HX System solution to employ the new IP-over-Satellite 1008-B air interface standard (IPoS-B), which was recently approved by the Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA), the company announced June 25.
Hughes said it led the effort in developing the IPoS standard that was originally approved by TIA in November 2003 and subsequently by ETSI and ITU. IPoS-B follows an update issued in 2006 that incorporated the DVB-S2 standard along with several other features.
“Hughes is committed to standards-based technology to provide the most advanced, proven solutions to our customers,” Hughes President Pradman Kaul said in a statement. “We are proud to work with our peer members at TIA to continually push the satellite industry’s technology envelope and bring ever higher performance fixed and mobile services to market, to the benefit of all users — consumers, enterprises and governments alike.”
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