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[Satellite TODAY 05-09-12] SkyWave Mobile Communications has introduced its new IDP-780 series of terminals with dual-mode satellite-cellular capability, the company announced May 8.
The IDP-780 terminal aims to offer extended satellite payload and dual SIM capabilities combined with IsatData Pro satellite service, cellular service, mobile asset tracking, logistics and security applications with global coverage.
SkyWave said it would target the new terminals for land mobile applications, as the IDP-780 products were designed based on SkyWave’s previous dual-mode solution.
“This new product provides our existing and prospective subscriber base the ability to reliably and cost effectively manage their assets on a global scale anytime, anywhere,” SkyWave Spokeswoman Jenn Markey said in a statement. “Many of our existing satellite-only terminals are deployed in a hybrid format today with a third party cellular device. Our latest generation dual mode simplifies and accelerates the customer experience with an integrated view of what’s happening in the field in real time.”
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