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[Satellite TODAY 01-06-12] ViaSat has entered into a five-year wholesale distribution agreement with the National Rural Telecommunications Cooperative (NRTC) to provide next-generation satellite broadband service similar to retail offerings through its ViaSat-1 satellite, the company announced Jan. 5.
   ViaSat-1 will work to provide NRTC members with 12 Mbps service packages. NRTC said it would introduce an enhanced 5 Mbps service outside of ViaSat-1 coverage areas through a new network of next-generation gateways and consumer terminals.
   “NRTC’s electric and telephone members were the first distributors of WildBlue service, and they remain committed to ensuring that rural Americans have access to robust broadband. The enhanced satellite broadband service will make significant contributions to the communities we serve,” NRTC CEO Tim Bryan said in a statement.

   The 140 Gbps capacity ViaSat-1 satellite is scheduled to enter service this month. ViaSat said services would sequentially expand across the United States in the following months.

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