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[Satellite TODAY 08-18-11] Satellite imagery software and systems provider PCI Geomatics was awarded a contract from German imaging company RapidEye to provide a Geo-Imaging Accelerator (GXL) satellite processing system, PCI announced Aug. 17.
The GXL system includes support to automate and create mosaics from the imagery collected by RapidEye’s satellite constellation. The system also integrates locally procured off-the-shelf hardware with PCI’s Geo-Imaging Accelerator-Satellite high volume multi-CPU/GPU production software.
PCI said the complete system aims to enable RapidEye to transform uncorrected imagery into seamless mosaics comprised of thousands of images while automating the production chain.
“The GXL-S satellite system boasts throughput capability of up to 10 Terrabytes per day. The adoption of PCI’s GXL software by companies across the globe proves the viability of this technology for the company as it invests more heavily in its development,” PCI Spokesman Brad Schmidt said in a statement.
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