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[Satellite TODAY 07-20-11] Vizada has launched a range of global maritime broadband packages integrating Ku-band VSAT and mobile satellite services (MSS), the company announced July 19.
The service package aims to enable customers to select a combination of VSAT, MSS hardware and airtime that is best suited to their needs while being able to upgrade to a higher bandwidth plan or next-generation satellite service during or after contract termination, the company said.
Vizada also is including its XChange service as part of the new offering, while providing full access to Vizada solutions such as the SkyFile messaging and security suite and prepaid solutions hosted via Vizada’s teleports.
The packages range from unlimited 256kbps VSAT airtime-only up to an unlimited 1024kbps VSAT plus MSS airtime and hardware back-up. Customers can choose between a VSAT antenna from Thrane & Thrane, Intellian or Sea Tel, with the Inmarsat FleetBroadband 250 and 500 or Iridium OpenPort service as back-up.
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