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[Satellite TODAY 06-20-11] Comtech Xicom Technology introduced a new 400-Watt Ku-Band traveling wave tube amplifier (TWTA) that features the size, weight and prime-power requirements of traditional 200-Watt products, the company announced June 17.
Comtech said it designed the XTD-400KHE mountable TWTA to provide high linear power with high efficiency in a compact, rugged form factor that weighs 32 pounds.
“As power consumption becomes a larger issue for both businesses and the military, our customers are looking for small, lightweight and high-performance solutions, and the new XTD-400KHE delivers 400W performance in a package that is significantly smaller and lighter than ever before. No other TWTA or SSPA product in the marketplace offers this level of linear power in a lightweight 32-pound package,” Comtech Xicom President John Branscum said in a statement.
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