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[Satellite TODAY 06-16-11] Vizada Networks has further increased its capacity lease on Eutelsat’s W7 satellite to support its portfolio of Internet and data services in Europe, North Africa, the CIS region and the Middle East, Vizada announced June 15.
A new capacity agreement was signed between both companies to extend the lease to 2014. Vizada Networks’ capacity on W7 is routed through the Vizada Networks teleport in Oslo. Its services use compact Ku-band VSAT terminals and utilize in-house developed QoS and service-level agreements.
Vizada Networks’ services on W7 are based on two technology platforms from iDirect and TBB, offering services primarily to customers in Iraq and Afghanistan within the government, corporate, ISP and voice sectors. Vizada also introduced its new JanUX Mark 2 technology platform in 2011 based on a DVB-S2/ACM foundation.
“Our new technology platform enables us to offer a new standardized service package that, like all of our services on W7, is reliable, cost-effective and functionality rich. The new platform supports the consolidation of our Eutelsat capacity and future growth on W7,” Vizada CEO Stefano Vittor said in a statement.
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