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[Satellite TODAY 05-27-11] Northrop Grumman has received authorization and funding to proceed on a Department of Defense weather satellite system projected for launch in 2018, the company announced May 25.
The Defense Weather Satellite System (DWSS) will provide enhanced weather information critical to battlefield operations, and deliver it more quickly to the warfighter than current systems.
The DWSS is required to provide reliable, high-fidelity, near real-time information about weather and environmental conditions around the world to inform aviation, naval and coastal marine operations and land assets. DWSS will also provide information needed to protect space-based assets from solar and other space weather conditions.
“For DWSS, we have defined an effective program plan that leverages the high level of maturity achieved on the spacecraft and sensors that are already in production, and we continually work closely with the Air Force to pursue efficiencies throughout the program. Our team is prepared to immediately execute a successful and affordable program to bring this critical capability to the warfighter,” Linnie Haynesworth, Vice President and DWSS Program Director for Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems, said in a statement.
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