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[Satellite TODAY 05-27-11] NBN Co released more detailed criteria for potential rural and remote users of its interim satellite service in Australia on May 26.
            The company says where high-demand exists, first priority will be given to those who have no access to alternate broadband services, subject to a service qualification process. Given the number of remote communities in Australia, satellite will play a key role in bringing broadband across the country.
            NBN Co has also called for expressions of interest from retail service providers that would like to purchase wholesale satellite services to resell to eligible rural and remote customers.
            The company has the responsibility to design, build and operate the wholesale-only National Broadband Network (NBN). The Australian government has shown a progressive attitude towards using satellite technology to reducing the digital divide across the country. This follows an announcement earlier this month where NBN Co said it plans to offer a wholesale interim satellite service capable of peak download speeds up to 6 Mbps, to be available via participating retail service providers, following the signing of contracts with Optus and IPStar.
            Under the interim satellite service, the satellite equipment and installation will be provided by NBN Co, at no cost to the end-user customer for a standard installation.

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