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[Satellite TODAY 04-29-11] An unnamed U.S. satellite company issued Com Dev an authorization to proceed on a contract to commence engineering work and provide equipment for a new mobile communications satellite, Com Dev announced April 28.
    Com Dev will provide Ka- and Ku-band switches, multiplexers, and filters for the satellite. Work on the contract will be carried out at the company’s facility in Cambridge, Ontario with completion expected by the middle of its 2012 fiscal year.
    The initial contract is valued at more than $1.5 million. Com Dev said it anticipates that the final contract on this project will be in place by early May and will be worth more than $5 million.
    "Requirements for this satellite program involve a rigorous testing regime which plays well into Com Dev’s strengths of having established space test resources that are enhanced by our proprietary Code One test system," Com Dev CEO Michael Pley said in a statement.

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