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[Satellite TODAY 02-16-11] Telemar and partner Vizada signed a deal with Singapore-based Pacific International Lines (PIL) to provide Inmarsat FleetBroadband communications for PIL’s container vessel fleet, Vizada announced Feb. 15.
The partners will install Inmarsat FleetBroadband service on PIL’s 88 vessels and 27 new builds. The three-year deal includes the provision of a total of 124 Inmarsat FleetBroadband and Thrane & Thrane Sailor 150 and 250 terminals. The maritime network will rely on an IP networking system and LAN with 12 onboard connection points.
Telemar will provide a turnkey solution for the installation of PIL vessels in their ports as well as onboard LAN projects and installation. Vizada will offer PIL its TerralinkData Manager for firewall options and Web compression and filtering and its SkyFile Antivirus to help protect the vessels’ Internet security.
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