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[Satellite Today 02-03-09] Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement retained an Inmarsat FleetBroadband system from Stratos Global to manage merchant vessel Marianne Schulte’s daily operations at sea, Stratos announced Feb. 2.
The selection followed a three-month field trial of the system and various remote access and office applications conducted onboard the Marianne Schulte in European waters and the Caribbean Sea.
Telaccount Overseas Ltd. managed the installation of a Thrane & Thrane Sailor 500 FleetBroadband terminal onboard the vessel. Stratos integrated the terminal with AmosConnect to manage all e-mail traffic.
Stratos channel partner One Net Ltd. assisted Bernhard Schulte Shipmanagement with many aspects of the Marianne Schulte field trial, providing training on Stratos Dashboard and AmosConnect.
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