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[Satellite Today 12-11-08] Integral Systems‘ expects a 10 percent revenue growth rate in 2009 due to higher sales on existing government contracts and higher demand for its commercial products and services, Integral Systems CFO Bill Bambarger said during its 2008 preliminary fiscal report released Dec. 11.
Preliminary financial results for Integral Systems’ fourth quarter and 2008 fiscal year were strong, showing revenue at approximately $160 million — a 25 percent increase from 2007, Integral announced Dec. 11.
The company reported revenue for the fourth quarter at approximately $46 million, a 27 percent jump from the same period in 2007. Income from operations was also up – at approximately $7 million compared to $5.8 million in 2007.
"We are very proud of our success in 2008 and are continuing to grow despite the challenging global business climate," said CEO John Higginbotham. "We are focused on future growth opportunities and we are working diligently to ensure the infrastructure is in place to support the Company’s ongoing growth."
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