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[Satellite Today 12-11-08] Avanti Communications has won a disaster recovery contract with NetworkFlow in the United Kingdom, the company announced Dec. 10.
    Avanti will install its Business Internet Continuity (BIC) product for NetworkFlow, a specialist managed services provider of high-bandwidth connectivity services. The product uses a modified satellite broadband installation to provide disaster recovery data services, which can restore a failed terrestrial Internet circuit, if for instance a cable is cut by builders or fails due to an electronics fault. IP addresses, such as those used to identify web sites and email servers are also instantly preserved to enable these key applications to keep working.
    Avanti CEO David Williams commented, “The global patent protection on this product means that Avanti may be able to open a new line of licensing revenue. But at minimum, within its European footprint, Avanti can now consider 100 percent of businesses as potential customers with the BIC product, not just those outside big cities. As a result of recent legislation, all corporate and institutional organisations are required by law to consider their disaster recovery plans. Avanti is the only company in the world that can provide a truly diverse and instantaneous satellite back up facility to an Internet circuit at an affordable cost, and therefore has a massive opportunity.”
    Avanti said its BIC product has patent protection pending.

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