Author: Anne-Wainscott Sargent

Today’s Global Microlaunch Mindset: Flexible, Greener, Cheaper, and Safer
Smallsats increasingly define the commercial space launch market, with a desire for independent access to space driving a new push by small launchers around the world. The number of small satellites orbiting to space worldwide tripled from 2019 to 2020, with smallsats representing 94 percent of spacecraft launched that year, according to Statista and Bryce...
Today’s Global Microlaunch Mindset: Flexible, Greener, Cheaper, and Safer
Enabling the Edge: Cloud Capabilities Push Satellite Forward
Cloud computing – pushing an organization’s data away from on-premise servers to the virtual environment – is commonplace today for enterprises, with nearly seven in 10 businesses already using cloud technology in one capacity or another, and many reporting dramatic jumps in efficiency and revenue growth Now, cloud is targeting the high-stakes satellite market as cloud innovators...
Enabling the Edge: Cloud Capabilities Push Satellite Forward
Venture Capital Visionaries Examine Today's Booming Space Investment Landscape
Despite COVID-19 impacts to the global economy, global space continues to attract strong investment from leading venture capital firms. Bank of America expects the space industry to triple to a $1.4 trillion market within a decade. The second quarter 2021 witnessed record deal activity in both amounts invested and deals done, with private capital investment...
Venture Capital Visionaries Examine Today's Booming Space Investment Landscape
Rules of the Road: New Policies Are Needed to Manage Space Traffic and Debris
While there are bright spots in the history of space collaboration such as the International Space Station, many regulatory experts say there remains a need for global consensus for dealing with orbital debris, interference, and a host of other issues emerging with a growing space economy. On Tuesday during the SATELLITE 2021 conference, a space...
Rules of the Road: New Policies Are Needed to Manage Space Traffic and Debris
Operators Balance New Space Excitement With Closing the Customer Business Case
Execution and meeting customer needs are critical to making the business case for new satellite Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) companies, major satellite operators said Tuesday at the opening of the SATELLITE 2021 conference. Executives from LEO upstarts SpaceX and OneWeb, as well as Iridium Communications and Arabsat, provided highlights of their current businesses and weighed in...
Operators Balance New Space Excitement With Closing the Customer Business Case
From the Archive: 2018 Interview with Sen. Bill Nelson
President Biden recently announced his pick for NASA administrator — former Florida Senator Bill Nelson — selecting another former congressman to follow Jim Bridenstine. He is known for being the second member of congress to travel to space, as he was a payload specialist on a Columbia Space Shuttle mission in January 1986. In 2018,...
From the Archive: 2018 Interview with Sen. Bill Nelson
From Prototyping to Production: 3D Printing for Space Comes into its Own
3D printing – once the domain of nerdy hobbyists – is gaining momentum across multiple industries including the satellite sector thanks to the efforts of NASA to advance 3D printing in space, as well as early commercial innovators. Today, antenna and propulsion rocket companies lead the charge to print fewer components on key systems using...
From Prototyping to Production: 3D Printing for Space Comes into its Own
Where Are They Now? Startup Space Winners Look Back
The last decade has seen huge equity investments in space startups fueled by the Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) and broadband connectivity revolution. Space equity investments totaled $5.8 billion last year alone, making 2019 the largest year on record for space investment, according to Space Angels. SATELLITE conference planners have recognized that space startups wanted to reach...
Where Are They Now? Startup Space Winners Look Back
LEO Advances on the Ground
2020 is set to be the year of Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) as more providers build out their business cases and constellations for operating in LEO, a market that promises to deliver cost-effective, high-throughput connectivity and low latency to global users. According to Northern Sky Research (NSR), wholesale operator revenue from non-geostationary constellations is expected to...
LEO Advances on the Ground
2020s: A New Decade in Satellite Infrastructure Flexibility
There’s no shortage of excitement about the coming new space decade, from the U.S. priority to get back to the moon, to the launch of the first Low-Earth Orbit (LEO) broadband mega-constellations. As the countdown to 2020 begins, the industry could see hundreds, even thousands, of satellites being launched. Amid this high-throughput satellite revolution, manufacturing...
2020s: A New Decade in Satellite Infrastructure Flexibility