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Rep. McKeon To Fight Missile Defense Cuts
House Armed Services Committee (HASC) Republicans selected Rep. Howard P. McKeon of California as their top-ranked GOP member, and McKeon said he will fight to reverse missile defense cuts that President Obama espouses.
Obama proposes cutting several missile defense programs in the defense budget for the fiscal year ending Sept. 30, 2010, and the HASC strategic forces subcommittee already has endorsed that proposal. McKeon sits on that panel.
The fight moves into high gear tomorrow when the full HASC will meet to thrash out the issue, as it writes the fiscal 2010 defense authorization bill. (Please see separate story in this issue.)
McKeon also is a member of the bipartisan congressional Missile Defense Caucus, a group urging a strong defense against the proliferation of thousands of missiles worldwide, including those held by rogue nations.
Rep. Roscoe Bartlett of Maryland, a rival contender for the full HASC ranking Republican spot, assailed the choice of McKeon.
"Not for the first time, big state and big money politics trumped experience, independent judgment and dedication to the legislative work of a committee," Bartlett said.
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