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With the U.S. government calling for a closer look into stratellites–high altitude airships that can provide communications services in what companies in that industry say can be done quicker and cheaper than satellites or even terrestrial build out–the announcement of commercial customers wasn’t far behind (SN, Dec. 20, ’04). Sanswire Networks LLC, a wholly owned subsidiary of GlobeTel Communications Corp., said it has entered into an agreement with Dynamic International Networks Inc. to build and launch stratellites throughout South America. The contract comes before the first stratellite’s demonstration voyage, which is scheduled to occur in March.

The contract calls for the first strattellite to be launched over Lima, Peru to provide various communications services, including broadband, VoIP and video, to Lima and the surrounding areas. Dynamic affiliate Beacon Supply Comunicaciones SA will handle to communications operations. The value of the contract was not disclosed, however, Michael Molen, Sanswire Networks chairman told Satellite News that one stratellite was purchased initially and options exist for up to 12 to be purchased. Delivery of the first stratellite is expected to take place about 12 months after the inaugural launch of the demonstration stratelite.

Dynamic’s goal “is to launch stratellites throughout South America that would definitely compete with satellite products as well as terrestrial,” Molen said. He noted that the company has received interest from all over the world on this product. “A lot of people are waiting to see the demo in March, but Dynamic wanted to make sure they got in line. One thing we shared with them and we shared with other people is that we are only going to be able to build so many of these at a time and if you wait, the delivery date is going to be pushed back.” He did not say how many stratellites could be manufactured if the company was producing them at full capacity.

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