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Satcube Ku VSAT. Photo: Satcube
Lepton Global Solutions, a Kymeta company, will add Satcube’s class of extremely small Very Small Aperture Terminals (VSAT) to the company’s global satellite network, under a deal announced March 9. Satcube Ku is a compact carry-on satellite terminal with a flat antenna the size of a large laptop.
Lepton Global will offer Satcube Ku terminals as a comms-on-the-pause (COTP) solution that is complementary with the Kymeta u8 comms-on-the-move (COTM) offering. The two solutions run on the same frequency and both have transportable hardware. The company said the goal of this partnership is to serve defense, public safety, and commercial customers.
“Most commercial satellite service networks are designed for larger aperture antennas that operate at broadside, which means that smaller, flat panel terminals like the Satcube and u8 are not globally supported,” commented Isabel LeBoutillier, vice president of Kymeta Connect and Government Programs. “Our network has been built from the ground up to accommodate the technical requirements of this newer class of extremely small, flat-panel VSAT terminals.”
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