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Rendition of the Konnect satellite, another Thales Alenia Space VHTS satellite. Photo: Thales Alenia Space
Indonesia’s Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) selected a consortium led by the domestic satellite operator Pasifik Satelit
Nusantara (PSN) to deploy and operate a broadband telecommunication satellite. This consortium has awarded Thales Alenia Space to design and manufacture the satellite named SATRIA.
Acting as prime contractor, Thales Alenia Space will deliver the Very High Throughput (VHTS) satellite based on its Spacebus Near Earth Object Surveillance Satellite (NEO) full electric platform and fitted with a fifth-generation digital processor (5G). The company will also be in charge to provide two satellite control centers (main and backup), the telecommand and telemetry stations, and the ground mission segment linked to the fully processed payload. In addition, Thales Alenia Space will put in place a complete training program for PSN engineers, where part of them will join the project team as residents in Cannes and Toulouse during the duration of the program.
The full Ka-band SATRIA satellite will carry more than 150 gigabits per second over Indonesia. Dedicated to narrowing the digital divide, SATRIA has the ambition to connect around 145,000 areas including 90,000 schools, 40,000 hospitals and public buildings as well as regional government sites not linked by existing satellite or terrestrial infrastructure. The satellite will contribute to the digital infrastructure developments in Indonesia.
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