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Photo: Radiant Solutions
Radiant Solutions was awarded a contract worth $92 million on a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Phase III contract with the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA). Radiant Solutions is tasked to rapidly develop, prototype, and deploy Machine Learning (ML) and crowdsourcing capabilities to augment a wide variety of NGA missions. NGA exercised the 2019 contract option year and expanded the value over a three year period of performance.
Through SBIR Phase III awards, the U.S. government can fund logical extensions of Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) Data and receive a royalty-free license to that technology while protecting commercial industry’s ability to make these offerings available to the global marketplace. Radiant Solutions participates in the SBIR Phase III program through its ongoing investment in Signature Analyst, a predictive modeling engine that applies ML to geospatial data to help analysts quickly search broad geographic areas. Since 2006, Radiant Solutions and its subsidiary companies have been awarded eight SBIR Phase III contracts across multiple agencies.
Radiant Solutions will advance development of machine learning capabilities, such as its DeepCore Computer Vision Software Developer’s Kit (SDK) and crowdsourcing capabilities, such as Tomnod, to help analysts quickly process large volumes of remote sensing data, understand global patterns of life and enable broad area search. The award also expands support for the NSG Open Mapping Enclave (NOME), a volunteered geographic information operational prototype that enables trusted users on multiple domains to easily create or modify foundation GEOINT to create living maps and enable timely analysis. These capabilities will be available for broad use across the U.S. government and its global mission partners.
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