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ORS 1 bus built by ATK.
Image credit: ATK/Pentagon’s Operationally Responsive Space (ORS) Office

[Satellite TODAY 07-01-13] UTC Aerospace Systems announced that the ORS 1 satellite has celebrated its second anniversary in space. ORS 1, the first Operationally Responsive Space satellite specifically designed to support combatant command operations was launched from Wallops Island Flight Facility aboard a Minotaur 1 launch vehicle on June 29, 2011. 

    Designed, manufactured, integrated and tested by ISR Systems, ORS 1 is a 500Kg-class satellite. The ISR Systems’ payload features a modified version of its SYERS-2 multispectral sensor, the primary imaging sensor on the U-2 reconnaissance plane. ISR Systems also developed and provided a ground segment that formats the satellite’s data products to be compatible with existing Processing, Exploitation and Dissemination (PED) infrastructure. ATK (Alliant Tech Systems) was ISR Systems’ subcontractor for the spacecraft bus, derived from its TacSat-3 bus.

    "The ORS 1 satellite has been meeting or exceeding expectations since its launch and continues to provide daily support to US Central Command and to those tasked to protect our troops and efforts overseas," said Andreas Nonnenmacher, general manager, ISR Systems, in a statement. "This anniversary marks the satellite’s second year of service, and the team is very pleased that ORS 1 has exceeded its mission design life."

    Initiated to fulfill requirements from the Commander of U.S. Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM) to support US Central Command (USCENTCOM), the satellite went from the drawing board to delivery in 30 months. Less than 90 days after launch, ORS 1 earned early COCOM acceptance and has been satisfying the mission needs of USCENTCOM and others ever since.



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