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[Satellite TODAY 11-02-10] ViaSat’s LinkWayS2 MF-TDMA satellite modem has demonstrated full-mesh, Ka-band satellite communications from the Optus C1 satellite between an Australian Army-deployable Compact Transmit Receive Suite (CTRS) terminal at the Australian Defense Science and Technology Organization (DSTO) and a coms-on-the-move (COTM) terminal located at BAE Systems, ViaSat announced Nov. 1.
This company said the demonstration showcased the ability of the LinkWayS2 modem to simultaneously support satellite communications with fixed site, at-the-halt, and on-the-move terminals within a single tactical LinkWay network. The ViaSat demonstration followed successful vehicular and airborne Ku-band mobile satcom demonstrations conducted in the United States
“The full-duplex mesh connection streamed high-definition video simultaneously in both directions between remote sites while the mobile satcom antenna was exercised on a multi-axis, full motion platform using the steerable Ka-band spot beam on the Optus C1 satellite. The LinkWayS2 master reference terminal for the demonstration originated from a fixed terminal with a DVB-S overlay sourced from another Ka transponder on Optus C1,” ViaSat said in a statement.
The LinkWay communication system aims to increase the U.S. military’s ability to provide network-centric operations, particularly over the Wideband Global Satcom constellation.
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