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[Satellite TODAY 08-10-10] Arqiva has expanded its government services contracts with SES World Skies and USG Solutions, Arqiva announced Aug. 9.
SES World Skies and USG Solutions will take additional data distribution services using Arqiva’s teleport infrastructure, global fiber network and capacity. The contract includes four duplex SCPC data services with a combined throughput of more than 14 megabits per second as well as fiber between the United States and the United Kingdom and uplink/downlink via Arqiva’s leased W7 satellite capacity through Eutelsat.
“Contract expansions are a good indicator of the levels of service delivered to a customer. Arqiva already provides SES World Skies, USG Solutions with sixteen SCPC services across two satellites, and we are delighted that they have chosen to take up additional data distribution services with us,” Arqiva Satellite & Media Executive Vice President Jon Kirchner said in a statement.
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