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[Satellite TODAY 09-05-12] Newtec is partnering with the Global VSAT Forum (GVF) to include GVF’s VSAT Installation Certification Program into its training portfolio, Newtec announced Sept. 5.
Newtec will teach GVF’s online courses as part of its own product-specific classroom training. The GVF training courses are designed in conjunction with a hands-on skills test to fully prepare installation technicians for the task of installing and commissioning fixed VSAT terminals.
Both the online courses and tests that are required for trainees to complete all GVF Satellite Professional certifications will be integrated into Newtec certification programs.
“Newtec’s plan to integrate the GVF training courses into their training program is a perfect fit,” GVF Secretary General David Hartshorn said in a statement. “Having students complete the online courses as prerequisites to classroom training will bring everyone up to the same level of satcom knowledge, thereby increasing the efficiency of the product-specific classroom training for all participants.”
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