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[Satellite TODAY 07-24-12] Tracking, messaging and navigation technology manufacturer DeLorme has unveiled its inReach two-way satellite communicator, which aims to provide two-way personal text messaging, message delivery confirmation, SOS alerting and remote GPS real-time locations to the aeronautics market, the company announced July 23.
DeLorme said the inReach device was designed to maintain a satellite signal lock even in difficult GPS environments and to wirelessly interfaces with Google Android and Apple smartphones. The inReach device operates over the Iridium satellite network.
“The two-way communication features of inReach allow aircraft pilots to stay connected via text messages and email while flying routes beyond cell phone range. It can be used in stand-alone mode to send pre-loaded text messages, trigger SOS alerts, receive delivery confirmation and enable tracking, all from the pushbutton and LED interface,” DeLorme said in a company statement.
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