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[Satellite TODAY 06-20-12] Mongolian Internet service provider Orbitnet has upgraded its satellite network with iDirect’s iDX 3.1 software and hardware platform, iDirect announced June 19.
Orbitnet will use the iDX 3.1’s features designed for large-scale networks to make its service more efficient and help attract new customers and expand its operations. iDirect said that Orbitnet required a VSAT solution that was flexible enough to support multiple applications, while also offering the ability to scale affordably.
“Internet connectivity is hugely important to Mongolia’s economic growth and iDirect’s solutions have enabled Orbitnet to provide a satellite Internet solution that is reliable and affordable,” iDirect Asia General Manager Wai Pheng said in a statement. “With the improved efficiencies of iDX 3.1, Orbitnet is better able to expand their operations throughout the region, win new customers, and bring the benefits of Internet access to a much broader audience.”
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