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[Satellite TODAY Insider 01-20-12] The Rural Telecommunications Group (RTG) filed comments Jan. 19 with the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to promote the deployment of new mobile broadband services to rural markets and the establishment of rules for the second phase of its Mobility Fund program.

   RTG encouraged the FCC to adopt a rule that would prohibit carriers from blocking their customers from accessing the networks of other carriers when such access covers area that is un-served by the blocking carrier. RTG’s General Counsel Carri Bennet said the comments were in response to the commission’s call for input on which rules to adopt as part of Phase 2 of its Mobility Fund.
   “More than anything else, the commission should make sure that in its quest to push rural 4G service with Phase 2 funding it does not inadvertently allow whatever level of mobile voice and data service is in rural markets today to deteriorate,” Bennet said in the statement. “Existing rural services should not be harmed in any way and rural consumers currently receiving service should be protected at all costs.”
   RTG urged the FCC to establish a deadline by which it both clarifies whether Tier 1 carriers would be classified as subsidized or unsubsidized and identifies areas of eligibility based on whether there is 4G coverage. RTG also recommended that the FCC grant carriers bidding credits for meeting additional criteria that are deemed in the public interest, such as meeting the definition of small business and demonstrating rural coverage to low population density areas.

   “A more open roaming environment will make rural carriers less dependent on Mobility Fund support and allow customers of nationwide carriers to access voice and data services in rural markets that they are currently prevented from accessing by some of the largest carriers,” RTG said in the statement. “RTG suggests that the FCC refrain from adopting any final rulemaking on Phase 2 support until Phase 1 has been completed, so that the industry, as a whole, can take any lessons learned from the Phase 1 process and apply those to Phase 2.” 

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