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[Satellite TODAY 08-09-11] Inmarsat has rolled out a free voice distress service on FleetBroadband to help users in case of emergency, the mobile satellite operator announced Aug. 8.
Built with support from the European Space Agency and the U.K. Technology Strategy Board, the voice distress service aims to ensure that all non-priority telephone calls underway on a vessel’s FleetBroadband are interrupted during an emergency while connecting the distress caller directly to a Maritime Rescue Coordination Center (MRCC).
The service also sends an immediate email to the MRCC and network controllers to alert them to a call, providing additional data such as vessel name, identification and position. Inmarsat said that manufacturer Thrane & Thrane would support the service with its Sailor 3771 alarm panel, with other terminal manufacturers expected to follow soon.
“This is a first for FleetBroadband, and demonstrates our on-going commitment to providing essential safety and distress services for seafarers,” Inmarsat Head of Maritime Safety Peter Blackhurst said in a statement.
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