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[Satellite TODAY 07-29-11] Eutelsat Communications’ board of directors has appointed Michel Azibert to serve as the operator’s deputy CEO and corporate officer based on recommendations made by Eutelsat CEO Michel de Rosen, the operator announced July 28.
Azibert will join Eutelsat on Sept. 5, but will succeed Jean-Paul Brillaud on Nov. 8, when Brillaud is due to relinquish his operational role. Azibert currently serves as deputy CEO of TDF.
Seperately, Eutelsat partner Fonds Stratégique d’Investissement (FSI) announced it would urge Eutelsat board members to nominate Brillaud as a board member during the company’s general assembly of shareholders in November.
“As France Telecom’s representative on Eutelsat’s board for eight years, and since 1999 as a key member of our management team, Brillaud is one of the principal architects of our success and at a broader level an exceptional professional in a dynamically expanding sector,” De Rosen said in a statement.
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