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[Satellite TODAY Insider 06-28-11] DTH revenues will skyrocket past the sector’s 2010 $71 billion mark to reach $86 billion in 2016 and command nearly half of global pay TV revenues, according to a study issued June 27 by Digital TV Research.
However, the report also warns that cable operators could gain extra revenues by converting subscribers to bundles and riding a wave of digital cable revenue growth. Digital cable TV revenues are expected to increase from $43 billion in 2010 to 62 billion in 2016, fueled by an additional boost from Asia, according to Digital TV Research. “China will add $4.3 billion in digital cable TV revenues over the same period, followed by Japan with an extra $2.6 billion,” the report said.
SIA s Cooper: 2011 Consumer Market Growth Defies Recession Logic Satellite News June 20, 2011
[Satellite News 06-20-11] The Satellite Industry Association s (SIA) 2010 State of the Industry Report found that the overall satellite industry s worldwide revenues grew 5 percent last year to $168.1 billion, and that satellite service revenues…
CASBAA Survey Reveals Operators Worried about Content Costs Satellite Today June 7, 2011
[Satellite TODAY 06-07-11] Content costs are the number one concern for The Cable & Satellite Broadcasting Association of Asia s (CASBAA) operators in 2011, with 71.4 percent stating that costs are affecting overall business, according to a recent…
SES Astra Hooks Up First Italian Broadcaster Satellite Today May 27, 2011
[Satellite TODAY 05-27-11] SES Astra has signed its first contract with an Italian broadcaster for DTH services in Italy. The company announced May 25 that Italian TV operator Promosat will use capacity on SES Astra s 19.2 degrees East orbital…
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