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[Satellite TODAY 06-23-11] Integral Systems Europe (ISE UK) has been awarded a contract by AsiaSat to upgrade two satellite terminals at its Tai Po Earth Station, Integral Systems announced June 22.
ISE UK will upgrade RF uplink systems for two antennas at Tai Po. When complete, the new system aims to expand AsiaSat’s transmission capacity and provide flexible transponder access across its satellite fleet.
The Tai Po Earth station functions to support the telemetry, tracking and control activities for AsiaSat’s satellite fleet, and provides value-added services including C-band and Ku-band traffic uplink, signal turnaround, MCPC platforms and backup services to customers. Construction work for the expansion of the Earth station will be completed in early 2012.
“This latest upgrade combines the use of an innovative diplexer system and a sophisticated system design. This advancement in the uplink system allows us to meet our customer’s dynamic requirements,” AsiaSat Vice President of Engineering Roger Tong said in a statement.
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