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[Satellite TODAY 06-21-11] Integral Systems’ Epoch IPS satellite command and control software will manage the AsiaSat 7 satellite, Integral announced June 20.
The company signed a contract with AsiaSat to expand the number of AsiaSat satellites being managed by Epock IPS to five. “With these satellites supplied by three different satellite manufacturers, demonstrating the flexibility and ease of use of Epoch IPS to manage satellite fleets no matter the configuration or size,” Integral said in a company statement.
AsiaSat 7 is based on Space Systems/Loral’s LS1300 satellite bus and is currently scheduled for launch in the fourth-quarter of 2011. The satellite will include a C- and Ku-band payload to fixed satellite services for television broadcast, telephone networks and VSAT networks for broadband multimedia services across the Asia Pacific region.
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