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[Satellite TODAY 06-14-11] M2M specialist Telenor Connexion has formed a strategic technology partnership with Italian company Octo Telematics, Telenor announced June 13.
Octo provides telematics services and systems for the insurance and automotive market, which includes an in-vehicle monitoring device and its multi-service center. The agreement enables Octo Telematics to use one standardized Telenor connectivity solution for multiple markets including an online service portal and APN/VPN. Octo Telematics also recently opened up a North American business unit to tap the considerable U.S. automotive insurance market.
“We decided to select Telenor Connexion as our partner because of the company’s broad experience, its commitment to innovation and their proactive service approach. These three things ensure a high-level of reliability in our offering as we deploy in Europe and the Americas,” Octo Telematics COO Federico Santini said in a statement.
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